Monday, October 02, 2006

"Saturation Point", Watercolour on Paper

Well, the post "Opening" Blues have set in.

I think mainly because the "opening" is such a high point, which the previous 6 months have been building up to, that, there can only be one direction after that. Luckily, I still have lots of work sitting around waiting to be completed. The last thing I need right now is contemplation, that will come in the next few weeks, once I've reviewed the relative successes and failures of the show. Onwards and upwards.

The "Opening" was fairly successful with just over a third sold within the first 3 hours. Mainly the medium to small works with a couple of larger pieces, being the main targets. I had good feedback from everyone I spoke to, and it helped confirm to me that the newer works were accepted and are worth while pursuing. Something I am keen to do.

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